5 Christian Companies To Consider When Tithing


1. End Abortion Now

End Abortion Now started as a grassroots organization that has now expanded to many churches and Christians. They are built with the idea of 3 mission fields: At Abortion Clinics, Before Local Politicians, and Across The World. Their site will guide you and teach you about how to be a part of their ministry and how to share the gospel with it.

As Christians, it is pretty clear that God is against abortion. Psalm 139:13-14 says “For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. 14 I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.” (NIV) God has made us different than all other beings created.

Check them out: https://endabortionnow.com/

2. Compassion International

Kids across the world are in poverty and live off very little each day. Compassion International aims to help them with “releasing children from poverty in Jesus’ name” according to their “About Us” page. You can help by sponsoring a child or just praying for the organization.

Check them out: https://www.compassion.com/

3. Lifesong

Lifesong may be the least known charity on our list. Lifesong focuses on helping orphans and Christians looking to adopt these orphans. According to Lifesong, there are 153 million orphans worldwide. They help churches adopt, care, and give to orphans and their future families to get orphans a loving and caring life as they grow. You do not have to adopt to help orphans. You can donate to Lifesong or even help foster families in your own area.

Check them out: https://lifesong.org/

4. Samaritan’s Purse

Samaritan’s Purse has focused greatly on responding to international crisis. This includes disaster relief and providing necessities to people who do not have easy access. They are also the organization involved with Operation Christmas Child. If you don’t know, Operation Christmas Child involves millions of shoeboxes being packed with toys and essentials to countries that do not have access to these. You can help by packing your own shoebox or donating to Samaritan’s Purse.

Check them out: https://www.samaritanspurse.org/

5. World Vision

World Vision was initially founded to aid orphans in South Korea after the Korean war. Since then, they have expanded to providing children with education, healthcare, and general needs. World Vision has helped millions of children since 1950 and continues to do so. Consider looking more into them and even donating to them.

Check them out: https://www.worldvision.org/


Pray for each of these charities that their resources would be used for the kingdom of God. Pray that these charities would reach others with the gospel and that they would continue to flourish.


If we missed any Christian charities, let us know!

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